Beer Action Group (BAG) are issuing regular newsletters : Beer Talks!
The principal aims of BAG are simple:
- To try and help reduce feelings of isolation and worry in our community;
- To try and provide practical help and support to better cope with the situation we are facing;
- To try to help to maintain our physical and mental well-being;
- To act as a hub for sharing ideas, projects skills and expertise
They will now be printing as little as possible to reduce any possible contamination and so your main resources to find out what’s going on will be:
- this website
- Beer Village UK– our local Facebook page OR the Beer memories page
- If you or someone you know haven’t got access to online resources and you would like to have, please let your coordinator know and we will try to help;
- If you would like to join BAG and help please contact your local community coordinator. Absolutely everyone is welcome!
Please read the updates for FULL INFORMATION