Have Fun
Beer SOS Choir have recently been singing up a storm! Here’s their rendition of ‘When I need a friend’ for you to enjoy!
Call to moisturise
Do you have any spare tubes of hand cream or body lotion? If yes, can you donate it so that we can add it to the bags and comforters and hairbands that we are making for our wonderful and brave NHS nurses. Their poor hands must be getting so sore and I am sure would appreciate something lovely to put on at the end of their long and difficult shifts. Street coordinators are happy to collect. Bramble and I have managed to find ten from our stash, I know that you will beat us hands down (pardon the pun!)
Call to sew
Just to let you know we now have a supply of cord in our cord cupboard that can be used for the drawstring bins, let your street coordinator know if you would like some.
Call to bunt!
Looking ahead to happier times and the wonderful and wacky Beer Village Post Virus Street Party (snappy title! Please let us have your ideas for a better one). We are planning to adorn the tables which will run the length of Fore Street with bunting (any size, any material – could be fabric, felt, knitted or anything else). So please get bunting!!!
A recipe for success
We are looking for recipes that we can make mainly from store cupboard ingredients. This week’s challenge is – things to do with leftover chicken. Recipes and photos of the result would be brilliant. Personally, a lot of my leftover chicken goes in Bramble’s bowl, I might photograph that!
From Wendy & Bramble, Heads of Fun, BAG